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Cryptocurrency Issued By The Central Bank Can Be More Stable, But Critpo Too Fluctuate

Central Bank Cryptocurrency More Stable. Researchers at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy have identified the digital currency issued by the central bank as an opportunity for a more stable financial system, while at the same time, they reject cryptocurrency.

Kiel researchers published a report on Tuesday (26/6), which will serve as a guide to the "Monetary Dialogue" on the ECON Committee of the European Parliament. According to the report, cryptocurrency is not an alternative to the traditional currency issued by the central bank.

"Currently, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin can not replace traditional currency to a significant degree. Available technologies face scalability-related limitations. In particular, the cost would be very expensive to do a moderate part of the transactions that are now handled through the traditional currency, "Kiel researchers wrote in the report.

The Kiel Institute report confirms that instead of being a medium of exchange cryptocurrency and related assets has been used as a means of financial speculation. Since they are not based on a fixed value, they can not be rationally assessed. This will lead to strong price fluctuations, which in turn will attract more speculators. Lack of regulation also increases the effect of non-transparency.

In addition, the report also states that digital currencies can be an opportunity for central banks, even if they "interfere" because they do not use traditional bank accounts.

"To avoid instability from the banking system, commercial banks will come with more reliable funding sources than deposits. Because the fractional reserve characteristics of the current banking system can be a major source of instability, these disturbing changes are not necessarily bad developments, but ultimately can pave the way for a more stable financial system, "wrote Kiel analysts in the report.

Some global banks have considered introducing their own digital currencies, such as the Bank of Thailand and the Central Bank of the Bahamas. Even the governor of the Bank of England, considered a heavyweight in the international monetary system, said he was open to the idea of ​​the central bank's digital currency. @ BPI

Why Litecoin Prices (LTC) Up and Down In The Market?

Litecoin Price Stability (LTC). Litecoin (LTC) is a peer to peer crypto currency and an open source project licensed under the MIT / X11 license. This is a decentralized network. It was released by Charlie Lee on October 7, 2011. Litecoin market capital crossed 1 billion USD in November 2013. Litecoin has reached at most 350 USD per coin.

Reportedly LEE has worked for GOOGLE and COINBASE. He also has experience in IT companies, he worked in some of them for almost 7 years. He was inspired by Bitcoin technology and he became a fan of crypto and developed his own Litecoin crypto (LTC) currency. He gave all his shares in Litecoin and reportedly will leave Litecoin in the future. But he insists and believes that LTC has a bright future ahead of him.

Litecoin (LTC) got a big blow in recent months where its price fell from 300 USD to 80 USD.

From the market, LTC price prospects will not fall again but will likely rise due to the fact that the UK-based platform has just started the market for litecoins. So by adding a new platform that most definitely gives a boost to its volume in the market, so its value will undoubtedly rise. Litecoin is one of the strongest and fastest crypto in the crypto financial market. It has low transaction costs and high processing speed.

Very unlikely LTC will drop to 50 USD and at that point the investor will push the price back up to 100 USD based on the basics.

After recovery begins, it is assumed that LTC will be one of the fastest crypto currency to recover. LTC processes blocks every 2.5 minutes, faster than Bitcoin which processes the blocks every 10 minutes. LTC has a strong blockchain network and functionality is also legit so that it will regain market value and market capitalization.

Litecoin (LTC) uses scrypt in its algorithm, much more complicated. It's much more difficult and expensive to complete, so mining a new LTC is harder than the Bitcoin mining process.

Litecoin (LTC) is currently lying low and its value is down from 80 USD to 78.81 USD. Currently a large number of companies are using Litecoin and we will also witness some serious partnerships in the future, it talks with amazon to convince them to adapt to LTC as a payment method. If this deal is solved then it could be a big boost for Litecoin (LTC) and can start to recover from below@BPI

Lupa Password Wallet Anda? Apa Yang Anda Lakukan?

Lupa Password Wallet. Keamanan bitcoin memang cukup menjanjikan untuk penggunanya. Namun bagaimanapun, seseorang tetap bisa saja melakukan kesalahan, seperti lupa password wallet sendiri. Pada berbagai jenis atau varian wallet dalam dunia kripto telah ada begitu banyak versi, baik yang bersifat hot storage maupun cold storage.

Berbagai karakter wallet apapun bentuknya, pada dasarnya berfungsi sebagai media untuk menangani dan mengelola key pair antara public dan private key saja. Kedua key pair tersebut dipergunakan bersama-sama sebagai akses mutlak pada wallet tersebut.

Untuk pengguna yang tidak begitu mengetahui hingga perihal teknis tentang bitcoin maupun kripto secara umum, kadang-kadang juga tidak terlepas dari kesalahan yang diperbuatnya sendiri. Termasuk juga, urusan soal lupa password walletnya sendiri tersebut. Password wallet ini, sebagian besar menjadi sebuah fitur tambahan di sebagian besar versi wallet kripto yang ada sekarang.

Kenyataannya, memang telah banyak juga pengguna bitcoin yang telah kehilangan hak aksesnya di wallet mereka. Padahal, jika kita menengok perjalanan harga bitcoin dari beberapa tahun sebelumnya hingga saat ini telah menjulang tinggi. Tentu saja nilainya juga akan menjadi meningkat lebih tinggi jika aset itu telah tersimpan beberapa tahun sebelumnya.

Lantas bagaimana jika memang lupa password wallet dan kesulitan lagi untuk mengaksesnya? Sebenarnya, jika password wallet ini hilang, atau bahkan lupa private key maupun seed yang berelasi dengan wallet itu, maka sama saja hak akses mutlak atas wallet itu juga hilang. Terlebih, jika tingkat kerumitan password wallet itu terdiri dari 15 karakter lebih.

Hampir tidak ada cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk bisa mengembalikan password tersebut kecuali pemiliknya sendiri yang mungkin di kemudian hari mengingat betul password yang digunakan. Namun ada secercah harapan, mengingat sejak tahun 2013 lalu, ada sebuah layanan bernama Walletrecoveryservices yang mungkin dapat membantu persoalan itu.

Meski demikian, tentu saja ada beberapa kondisi bakal menjadi dasar, namun berdasarkan apa yang dijelaskan di situs itu, pihaknya menyebut bahwa layanan mereka bisa menangani untuk banyak varian wallet yang ada saat ini.

Jika layanan itu terbukti dapat membantu kasus lupa password wallet, mengapa tidak sekalian saja mengambil atau mencuri sejumlah aset kripto tersebut? Pertanyaan ini tentu saja adalah pertanyaan logis yang cukup mempunyai dasar yang kuat.

Jangan terlalu cepat memberikan konklusi dulu, mari kita tengok bagaimana kemungkinan itu bisa dilakukan tanpa harus mengungkapkan private key yang berelasi dengan wallet tersebut. Untuk bisa membantu, yang dibutuhkan hanyalah beberapa bagian saja dari file wallet yang digunakan, namun tidak berelasi dengan file private key itu disimpan.

Kalau kita melihat pada bitcoin misalnya, pada bitcoin core, file wallet bitcoin tetap akan tersimpan di dalam perangkat yang digunakan. Sedangkan, setiap seseorang menggunakan bitcoin pertamakali, sebenarnya secara otomatis akan membuat hingga 100 address baru yang langsung tersimpan ke dalam “key pool” (tempat key pair disimpan). Dalam hal ini, hanya sebagian saja informasi dari address yang umumnya tidak pernah terpakai itu. Karena sebagian besar pengguna, kebanyakan hanya menggunakan satu atau beberapa address saja, kecuali jika pengguna itu adalah pengguna aktif dan mengetahui betul bahwa memang sebaiknya 1 address bitcoin, digunakan untuk sekali transaksi saja. Address bitcoin ini, bisa digenerate sendiri sebanyak yang kita mau.

Potongan informasi tersebut, selanjutnya dikombinasikan dengan metode brute force decryption. Cara itu adalah satu-satunya cara yang memungkinkan dapat dilakukan. Namun tentu saja hal itu akan membutuhkan resource yang cukup untuk bisa menanganinya. Namun jika password tersebut terdiri dari 15 random karakter lebih, maka itu menjadi cukup sulit untuk untuk dilakukan, terlebih untuk wallet bitcoin@BPI

Japanese Finance Minister Wants To Change Crypto Tax Rule, But People Doubt

Japanese Crypto Tax Rules. Japan's Finance Minister thinks that the public doubts if he will make changes in the taxation of cryptocurrency transactions, Cointelegraph Japan reported.

During the current meeting of the Upper House Budget Committee, Senator Fujimaki asked the Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso whether crypto transactions should be taxed through a "separate tax settlement," rather than their current classification as "other income." Aso said that his prospects were " "By the public and expressed concern over the public reaction due to" tax justice. "

The current tax rate for maximum crypto transactions is 55 percent, and Aso plans to change to 20 percent similar to stock or forex trading.

Aso noted that the position of cryptocurrency in the international financial sector is uncertain. He also talked about the importance of developing blockchain technology, but added that he supported the controversial technology, given it underlies the cryptocurrency.

The Japan Financial Services Agency (FSA) issued a business improvement notice for the crypto exchange market as part of its ongoing regulatory oversight following a $ 530 million theft in the Japanese crypto exchange market, Coincheck in January.

On Monday (25/6) yesterday, two vice presidents of the Japanese foreign exchange crypto exchange market resigned after the two exchanges each received notice of increased FSA business last week@BPI

Facebook Relaxes Ban, Accepts Some Crypto Ads

Facebook is Easing Its Ban.The social media giant has launched a "cryptocurrency products and services onboarding request" form that will allow some companies to get their ads on the platform, according to a blog post published Tuesday.

Facebook, however, won't allow advertisements for initial coin offerings or binary options. The prohibition on these remains in effect months after Facebook first took action against crypto-ads in a move that was followed by similar actions byTwitter, Google and other major sites.

The request sheet shows that the social media company wants specifics on the kinds of services companies wishing to advertise offer. For example, Facebook asks whether companies have the relevant licenses in order to operate, or if they are a publicly-listed company. Facebook has also published a legal addendum outlining its policy toward cryptocurrency ads.

Notably, the social media company suggested that its policy could see additional tweaks in the future.

Rob Leathern, product management director for Facebook, wrote in the blog post:

"Given these restrictions, not everyone who wants to advertise will be able to do so. But we'll listen to feedback, look at how well this policy works and continue to study this technology so that, if necessary, we can revise it over time."

The move has won early plaudits from the cryptocurrency PR space.

Trey Ditto, the founder of Ditto PR, a crypto public relations firm, described Facebook's shift as "the first step in allowing credible blockchain projects, crypto companies and ICOs to get in front of new potential customers and investors."

"This will be a big boost for Facebook advertising revenue as the majority of projects out there are interested – and have the money – to run paid ads," Ditto added.@BPI

Bank Sentral Bahama Memperkenalkan Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Bank Sentral Bahama. Pemerintah Bahama telah memutuskan untuk membentuk cryptocurrency nasional untuk membantu yang tidak memiliki rekening bank dan memudahkan proses melakukan bisnis di banyak pulau yang membentuk negara.

negara kepulauan yang dikenal dengan matahari dan pantainya, atau, dalam pandangan Uni Eropa, status suaka pajaknya, akan memperkenalkan mata uang kripto sendiri melalui bank sentralnya.

“Produksi layanan pembayaran digital modern sepenuhnya adalah jalan ke depan untuk era pemerintahan ini. Mata uang Bahama digital sangat penting bagi banyak pulau keluarga karena mereka telah melihat banyak bank komersial berhemat dan keluar dari komunitas mereka, meninggalkan mereka tanpa layanan perbankan. Sebagai sebuah negara kepulauan, di mana transportasi dapat menjadi ketidaknyamanan bagi banyak orang, terutama orang tua, dan mahal, kita harus menawarkan jasa keuangan secara digital dan aman, ”kata wakil perdana menteri K Peter Turnquest.

Saat ini, bisnis dari seluruh dunia bermarkas di Bahama, sebagian besar untuk kebijakannya memastikan privasi pemegang saham dan melonggarkan persyaratan pajak apa pun atas pendapatan yang diperoleh dari luar negeri. Bisnis yang ingin mengambil keuntungan dari insentif pajak dapat memantapkan dirinya sebagai perusahaan bisnis internasional (IBC) di pulau itu, yang membebaskannya dari semua pajak selama 20 tahun ke depan. Setelah periode itu, perusahaan bertanggung jawab atas pajak hanya atas penghasilan yang dihasilkannya di salah satu pulau itu, serta pajak stempel dan estate.

Dengan memperkenalkan cryptocurrency, perusahaan yang didirikan di Bahama, seperti perusahaan akuntansi Big Four, dapat melakukan bisnis dengan lebih mudah dan dengan cara yang jauh lebih pribadi daripada yang mereka lakukan saat ini. Banyak dari klien mereka juga menghadapi ketidakmampuan untuk melakukan transaksi secara pribadi dengan menggunakan sistem perbankan, sehingga sulit untuk menghindari beberapa pajak yang dikenakan oleh negara-negara asing.

Namun, pemerintah Bahama tidak berhenti di sana. Turnquest ingin memperluas ini lebih jauh dan menawarkan infrastruktur blockchain untuk penerbitan sertifikat kepada orang-orang yang menyelesaikan studi mereka di National Training Agency@BPI

What are security tokens and how will they transform ICOs?

Security Tokens Transform ICOs. 2017 was arguably the year of the initial coin offering, with over $4.6 billion raised through startup financing. 2018 looks like it will become the year of regulations for the cryptocurrency industry. In fact, the tremendous growth in ICOs is one of the reasons why financial regulators across the globe have decided to hone in on the crypto asset market.

For the most part, startups launching token sales claim that they are issuing a utility token, which would preclude them from the realm of securities law in most jurisdictions. However, many of these tokens have the characteristics of securities, which is why financial regulators are taking a closer look.

To continue using this method of funding, a new form of token sale has emerged that marries the benefits of initial coin offerings and the sale of regulated financial securities in an initial offering.  

What is a security token?

Issuing a security token is a new form of financing that enables companies to raise funds from investors through issuing a fully-regulated “digital share” of its equity, assets or part of its revenue. Security token offerings combine aspects of ICOs with IPOs to provide the seemingly perfect balance between gaining access to capital at a low-cost while remaining compliant with securities laws.

Furthermore, security tokens can go beyond the current cryptocurrency-based crowdfunding model to also incorporate other types of financial securities such as debt offerings, for example. Tokenized securities projects such as Overstock’s T-Zero exchange are banking on security tokens becoming the next big thing and they may be correct.

Through issuing digital tokens that provide similar rights to shares, companies have the potential to access more investors and at a lower cost than if they were to list shares on a stock exchange, making them more appealing to younger investors.

However, before that can happen, the digital token trading ecosystem must mature to the level where exchanges are secure and liquid enough to be able to handle trading volumes approaching those found on international stock exchanges.

SAFT: The predecessor to security token ICOs

Before securities tokens started to appear in the ICO market, we saw the utilization of so-called Simple Agreement for Future Tokens (SAFT) by startups that wanted to ensure that they remain fully compliant with U.S. securities law.

SAFT agreements enable accredited investors to purchase contracts during a token offering for which they will be rewarded with the newly-issued tokens that the startup is launching, once the company has developed a fully-functional utility token that is being actively used in the project’s platform.

SAFT agreements are based on the idea behindSAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity)contracts, which were spearheaded by San Francisco-based tech accelerator Y Combinator as an alternative to convertible notes. SAFE contracts allow angel investors to put cash into a startup and then receive their shares once a specific trigger event has happened such as a new funding round or the sale of the company.

The first high-profile SAFT contracts that were sold to investors was during the ICO of the decentralized cloud storage platform Filecoin in mid-2017, which raised over $257 million. Messaging giant Telegram also made use of SAFT agreements when it raised $850 million during its token pre-sale in Q1/2018.

How security tokens will transform utility ICOs

Financial regulators are keeping a very close eye on initial coin offerings due to a large number of scams that have flooded this market. Moreover, many regulators consider ICOs that sell a utility token should still fall under securities law as most are effectively securities.

For many issuers the risk that their ‘utility token’ will be considered by regulators as a regulated security will become too great to bare. Accordingly, many will choose to issue utility tokens in a compliant way (as if they were securities).

Additionally, the introduction of truly compliant security token exchanges like TZero will enable a new breed of token issuer to come to the market that offers economic incentives similar to dividends in shares, or other revenue streams that are undoubtedly categorized as securities.  

Issuing a security token will, eventually, become more straightforward than launching a utility ICO from a regulatory and legal standpoint, with the caveat that the overheads will probably be higher as it involves regulatory compliance and more legal fees. A “normal” token sale can be conducted with very little upfront capital, especially if the startup has an exciting product that the cryptocurrency community is willing to invest in. A security token ICO, on the other hand, will require more capital regardless of the quality of the company’s product.

It is thus unlikely that utility token ICOs will be replaced entirely by security tokens as smaller startup projects will choose to either run the risk of operating in a regulatory grey area or will merely engage in regulatory arbitrage and base their operations and crowdsale in countries that have ICO-friendly regulations.

The future of security tokens

Having said that, security tokens have the potential to become the go-to form of funding for more established startups and for companies that want to tokenize their securities offering instead of listing shares on a stock exchange.

Security ICOs will thus likely become a real competitor to traditional IPOs as the costs for an ICO remain cheaper and as more investors realize the advantages of digital tokens over “real shares”.@BPI