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Bandara Internasional Belanda Pasangkan ATM Bitcoin

ATM Bitcoindi Belanda. Untungnya, bandara internasional Belanda sekarang akan memungkinkan penumpang dan pengunjungnya mengubah “sisa euro ” untuk Bitcoin dan Ethereum. Untuk melayani kebutuhan pelancong yang lebih baik, bandara telah memasang Bitcoin ATM.

ATM Bitcoin Baru di Bandara Schiphol, Bandara Internasional Belanda

Bandara tersibuk ke-11 di dunia, Bandara Schiphol Amsterdam telah merilis Siaran Pers pada 20 Juni, bahwa bandara telah memasang mesin ATM yang menawarkan BTC dan ETH. Namun, Schiphol adalah bandara Eropa pertama yang menawarkan pertukaran crypto melalui ATM.

Direktur Produk & Layanan Konsumen di Bandara Schiphol Amsterdam, Tanja Dik mengatakan;

“Schiphol terus mencari cara untuk berinovasi dan memberikan layanan optimal kepada penumpang. Dengan Bitcoin ATM, kami berharap dapat menyediakan layanan yang bermanfaat bagi penumpang dengan memungkinkan mereka bertukar dengan mudah. Jadi, ‘lokal’ euro untuk ‘global’ BTC dan ETH. Itu bisa bermanfaat jika, misalnya, tidak mungkin menghabiskan euro di negara asal mereka ”.

Namun, mesin ATM terletak di Ruang Kedatangan 2 di Bandara Schiphol dan juga dari jalur menuju Departure Hall 1 dan 2, serta Schiphol Plaza.

Pendekatan baru ini telah diperkenalkan dalam kemitraan dengan Perusahaan Belanda, ByeleX Data Solutions BV. Selain itu, perusahaan menyediakan layanan integrasi pembayaran cryptocurrency untuk bisnis.

Herman Vissia, direktur Byelex mengutip;

“Kami senang bahwa Schiphol bersedia untuk bergabung dengan kami dalam mengeksplorasi cara-cara untuk memperkenalkan penumpang ke cryptoreality baru”.

Provinsi ini mendukung total dunia kelima ATM, meskipun sebagian besar tetap di Amerika Utara. Namun, Belanda memiliki 20 ATM kripto operasional saat ini.

Sebelumnya pada bulan Mei, Bandara Brisbane yang berbasis di Australia telah mulai menerima berbagai aset digital dan melabelinya memiliki salah satu bandara crypto yang ramah secara global@BPI

Coinbase CEO Unveils Crypto Charity for the Unbanked

Coinbase Crypto Charity. Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong wants to help unbanked individuals around the world gain access to financial services.

On Wednesday, the exchange's co-founder announced he was launching a nonprofit organization to financially empower people and donate cryptocurrency to the unbanked worldwide. aims to partner with other nonprofit entities to find potential recipients who could benefit from these cryptocurrency donations.

In a release, Armstrong wrote that "most people I respect and know in the crypto ecosystem believe we have a moral responsibility to shepherd this technology forward in a way that allows it to reach its full potential." He cited lower fees, reduced transaction times, micropayments and mobile device-friendly payment systems as some of the advantages for blockchain technology.

He wrote:

"Many who invested early in cryptocurrencies understood it could make the financial system more efficient, lower fees, and reduce transaction times. Early adopters saw the potential to unlock widespread innovation if the internet had a native currency. And almost everyone I met in the community early on believed cryptocurrency could finally bank the unbanked of the world—the billions of people who are locked out of the financial system and trapped in poverty as a result."

The nonprofit aims to raise $10 million by the end of 2018 and increase its funding to $1 billion within the next two years, he said. He plans for the organization to "give away less than the amount that the fund grows each year," ensuring its longevity.

Initial recipients will live in "emerging markets who are going through financial crisis," Armstrong said@BPI

Harga Anjlok ke Rp 81 Juta, Valuasi Bitcoin Hilang Rp 286 M

Harga Anjlok Valuasi Bitcoin Hilang.  Investor Bitcoin sekarang mengalami penurunan. Karena di tahun 2018 ini trend Bitcoin sudah tidak sebesar dulu.

Dalam 24 jam terakhir, harga Bitcoin sudah turun 4,17%. Menurut Coinbase, sekitar 8.446 Bitcoin yang diperdagangkan. Hari Jumat (29/6) sampai pukul 9.40 WIB, harga Bitcoin diperdagangkan US$ 5.869,57 per koin atau setara dengan Rp 81,59 juta (asumsi US$1 = Rp 13.900).

Harga Bitcoin

Harga Bitcoin telah turun sebesar 17,61% dalam satu bulan terakhir ini. Penurunan yang drastis ini telah membuat harga pasar Bitcoin turun dari US$ 121,55 juta menjadi US$ 100,96 juta. Yang berarti ada US$ 20,59 juta (Rp 286,2 miliar) yang hilang dalam sebulan terakhir. Ini sangat membuat para pengguna bitcoin merasa kecewa.

Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi harga bitcoin mengalami penurunan disebabkan oleh peraturan baru-baru ini di seluruh dunia tentang bitcoin, langkah-langkah pemungutan pajak pemerintah yang terhadap dari bitcoin, munculnyacryptocurrency (teknologi membuat mata uang digital) lainnya yang mengduplicate bitcoin, dan menurunnya minat media terhadap Bitcoin.

“Bitcoin akan turun hingga ke US$ 5.350 dalam satu atau dua minggu mendatang” Trader Cryptocurrency Ran Neu-Ner mengatakan akan banyak hal buruk yang akan dihadapi Bitcoin@BPI

The Biggest Asset in the Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Biggest Asset in Ethereum Classic. Ethereum Classic (ETC) has been the center of attention for the last few weeks. That's after Coinbase announces that they will list it on their exchange. This announcement seems to have surprised many people and some investors are wondering why Coinbase chose Ethereum Classic (ETC), on top of many other better known crypto in the market.

Is there anything valuable about this crypto that has been largely ignored in the past? The answer is big. This may not be the same as other projects on the market, but the ETC is actually a very valuable project. The key value lies in its eternity.

For the layman, eternity means that nothing is inserted on the modified Ethereum classic blockchain, no matter what the situation. All information on this blockchain is permanent, and can always be used as a reference point, at any point in the future. This means the only reason Ethereum can be used is to remove bugs from the system

So does this mean that information can be changed in another blockchain, such as Ethereum (ETH)? To answer this, one must return two years ago, when Ethereum branched out to form Ethereum (ETH).

The reason for the fork is the DAO hack which, more than $ 50 million is lost. Through the ETH fork, information about blockchain is changed, thus returning investors. Investors and miners fighting this fork hold the original Ethereum and call it Ethereum Classic (ETC).

The principle of binding them is that blockchain can not be changed to change entries no matter the situation, whether good or bad. If it's bad, those involved have no choice but to deal with it.

The eternal Ethereum Classic is increasingly seen by many as an asset, its resurrection as an upscale crypto project. That's because, if companies use blockchain to generate contracts, they must be confident that the contract can stand the test of time.

Just to give you context, assuming company A sells the property to company B and this contract is done through blockchain. It would be in their best interest if the information is permanent and irreversible.

That's because if there's a legal case in the future, they can always look back at this deal on blockchain. Consequently, eternity is a huge asset to the blockchain platform, and Ethereum classic (ETC) has successfully used it as an asset. In fact, this can be a key determinant feature that will determine which blockchain projects will be adopted in the future, and which ones will wither.

With this in mind, it is quite clear that Ethereum Classic (ETC) is one of the most valuable and highly undervalued crypto projects in the market. After entering Coinbase, the volume will soar, and so will its value. ETC's chances of closing the year at over $ 100 are quite high, based on a strong brand as a lasting blockchain @ BPI

How to Hold Cryptocurrency in a Retirement Account without Feeses

Hold Cryptocurrency without Fees. More and more, savvy investors are sewithout feeseking to diversify retirement funds into nontraditional assets. It’s natural then, that many are considering cryptocurrency. With a potential for tremendous appreciation, it can make sense to invest in cryptocurrency through an IRA so that those gains will escape taxation.

With a potential for tremendous appreciation, it can make sense to invest in cryptocurrency through an IRA so that future gains will escape taxation.

However, holding cryptocurrency in a retirement account has traditionally been difficult. When you hold funds in an IRA (or Roth IRA), the Internal Revenue Code prohibits “direct holdings”. All retirement funds must instead be held by a custodian, which must be a bank or a “nonbank custodian” approved by the IRS under Treas. Reg. 1.408-2(e).

The first obstacle many investors hit is that most custodians will not permit cryptocurrency within retirement accounts. There are a few “Bitcoin IRA” custodians out there which will allow investments in Bitcoin, however, they typically hold the private keys and charge large fees for doing so. Often these custodians operate a multi-sig wallet for the funds, meaning they don’t have complete control, but even then the fees charged make this option unrealistic for many investors.

The good news is that there is a way to hold cryptocurrency directly that eliminates almost all of these middleman fees. You can even be in control of your private keys. This type of retirement account is a “checkbook IRA”. With a checkbook IRA, the custodian maintaining your IRA holds only one asset: an LLC owned solely by the IRA.

The IRA is 100% owner of this LLC, however, the manager of the LLC is you. As manager, you handle the day to day affairs and investing of the LLC. When fiat currency is invested into the IRA, the IRA immediately turns around and contributes it to its wholly owned LLC. 

Perhaps the most important step in the process is to find an attorney with expertise in “checkbook IRAs”. 

From there, as manager, you control how those funds are invested. This includes the ability to invest in cryptocurrency. No approval from the custodian is required, as the investment is legally held by the LLC, not the IRA. The IRS does issue some “prohibited transaction rules”. These rules outright prohibit IRAs (and LLCs owned by IRAs) from investing in certain assets.

The good news is that cryptocurrency is not one of those asset classes.  There are additional “prohibited transaction” rules that may apply to your situation, however, so be sure to consult with an expert to avoid violating them on accident.

Perhaps the most important step in the process is to find an attorney with expertise in “checkbook IRAs”. An experienced attorney will not only set up the IRA and LLC for you, but also draft the operating agreement needed for this setup and provide assistance with opening the LLC’s checking account (which will be important, as described later). It’s very important to note that under IRS rules, all contributions to an IRA must be made in US Dollars, not cryptocurrency.

After receiving the US Dollars, the IRA custodian then transfers those funds into the LLC’s checking account. From the LLC’s checking account, the US Dollars can be used to purchase cryptocurrency. An obstacle here is purchasing cryptocurrency in the name of the LLC, rather than in your personal name.

One option is to purchase directly from a private party. There are numerous websites that connect private party sellers to buyers. Many such sites require you to add “real name” to your Buyer profile. To be extra careful with regard to the prohibited transaction rules, I suggest listing your name like this “Joe Smith, as Manager of ABC LLC”. It is also important that the LLC not purchase any cryptocurrency from a party which is “related” to you, as this is a prohibited transaction under IRS rules.

The other method is to use one of the cryptocurrency exchanges which allow opening accounts in the name of an LLC rather than in the name of an individual. Not all exchanges will allow this. Be extra sure that the account is in the LLC’s name (not yours) and that the linked bank account is an account owned by the LLC (not you).

You’ll also need a wallet for holding your cryptocurrency. If your cryptocurrency holdings are small, you may choose to leave them in your exchange trading account. But if they’re larger, you may wish to transfer them to a more secure external wallet. The LLC must own the wallet, not you personally. This is because any exchange of assets between you and your IRA (or your IRA LLC) is a “prohibited transaction” under IRS rules.

 The best solution is probably cold storage, which is easily “owned” by the LLC and is also very secure. A hardware wallet, or even a paper wallet can fulfill this function. Important: This article is provided is for educational purposes only. Readers should consult with a tax professional and are solely responsible for their own due diligence not only with regard to tax issues, but also in making investment decisions and choosing a custodian and exchange@BPI

Korban MT Gox Segera Mendapat Ganti Rugi, Petaka Yang Menguntungkan

Ganti Rugi Korban MT Gox. Ada angin segar untuk para korban MTGox karena pihak pengadilan di distrik Tokyo telah memerintahkan secara resmi kepada MTGox untuk memberikan kompensasi ganti rugi. Tentu saja masih mudah untuk di ingat, bahwa tahun 2014 lalu, bursa MTGox ini telah banyak merugikan penggunanya. Sebesar 850.000 Bitcoin berhasil diretas dari bursa besar yang saat itu volume perdagangannya mencapai 60% – 70% lebih volume perdagangan bitcoin di dunia.

Pada bulan Nopember 2017 tahun lalu, banyak pihak yang telah dirugikan akibat insiden itu sempat membuat petisi kepada MTGox. Petisi itu garis besarnya meminta agar pihak MTGox segera memberikan ganti rugi kepada para konsumen mereka.

Tepat tertanggal 22 Juni bulan ini, pihak MTGox juga memberikan pengumuman secara resmi. Pengumuman tersebut sekaligus memberikan respon atas perintah pengadilan di distrik Tokyo, dalam rangka pemberian kompensasi.

Menariknya, pada saat pihak MTGox menyatakan bangkrut tidak lama setelah insiden peretasan itu, telah menyatakan bahwa kompensasi yang akan diberikan adalah tidak berdasarkan pada kurs fiat dengan rate saat itu.

Artinya, jika pada tahun 2014 tersebut harga per 1 bitcoin adalah senilai USD 483, maka pengguna yang juga akan mendapat kompensasi bukanlah berdasarkan dari nilai rate tersebut, melainkan tetap berdasarkan jumlah bitcoin pada saat itu.

Padahal, harga bitcoin saat tulisan ini dibuat berkisar USD 6.114 atau setara dengan 86,6 juta rupiah per BTC. Situasi dan kondisi atas rencana pemberlakukan kompensasi itu secara tidak langsung memberikan keuntungan tersendiri bagi investor yang telah dirugikan pada insiden MTGox tahun 2014 lalu. Terang saja, karena dari harga bitcoin di tahun 2014 hingga 2018, harga bitcoin telah naik berkali-kali lipat.

Ragnar Lifthrasir, salah satu pengguna bitcoin dan sekaligus pendiri dalam cuitan di akun twitter pribadinya mengatakan bahwa korban MTGox semestinya berterima kasih kepada pihak MTGox karena telah menyimpan (Hodling) bitcoin mereka.

Mt Gox customers will finally be paid back – in bitcoin.
Many or most customers probably would have traded away their bitcoin a couple of years ago. So they should thank MtGox for hodling their bitcoin for them!

Ragnar Lifthrasir ⚑ (@Ragnarly)June 23, 2018

Sekaligus, informasi tentang mekanisme pemberian kompensasi ganti rugi itu dinilai justru telah menyelesaikan kemelut dan insiden paling tragis dalam sejarah Bitcoin selama ini. Sampai sejauh ini, pihak MTGox masih menyimpan sejumlah 137.891 BTC di cold storage, salah satu jenis wallet bitcoin yang bersifat non online.

Petaka yang membawa untung untuk korban MTGox, namun di sisi lain justru menimbulkan kekhawatiran. Tidak lain, kekhawatiran itu mengingat adanya potensi penjualan bitcoin dalam jumlah yang besar di bursa-bursa bitcoin. Ujungnya, penjualan bitcoin secara besar-besaran itu dikhawatirkan akan mendorong harga bitcoin turun jauh.

Nobuaki Kobayashi, seorang pengacara yang bertanggung jawab dalam penyelesaian kasus itu sejauh ini dianggap sebagai pihak yang telah melakukan devaluasi saat melikuidasi ribuan bitcoin di bursa-bursa kripto. Menangkis kritikan itu, Nobuaki menilai bahwa penjualan itu tidaklah akan mempengaruhi harga di bursa kripto. Alasannya, Nobuaki beranggapan bahwa penjualan itu bukanlah penjualan biasa di bursa kripto@BPI

Can You Trust ICO Ratings?

Trust ICO Ratings. When the ICO market exploded in 2017 it was promptly following by the emergence of dozens of ICO rating agencies — but to what extent should they be relied on when making investment decisions?

With the rise of ICOs also came the rise of the 'ICO economy', which refers to the economic activity that has sprung out of the boom in initial coin offerings, which require a range of peripheral services to succeed. Developers, copywriters, digital marketers, social media managers, PR agencies, lawyers, strategic advisors, media outlets, and ICO rating agencies are all participants in the ICO economy, and everyone is benefiting.

This is arguably an excellent development that shows how cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are creating jobs and are a driver for economic activity. However, as we know from the wave of ICO scams, underperforming ICO-funded blockchain ventures and questionable ICO marketing practices, some participants in the economy have little regard for business ethics. Unfortunately, some self-proclaimed ICO rating agencies reportedly fall into this category.

How to buy a good ICO rating

According to a recent report by Swiss startup Alethena, it is very easy for a blockchain startup that is launching a token sale to buy a good rating on a popular ICO rating website. In the article, Alethena co-founder Markus Hartmann details how, shortly after its ICO was listed on popular ICO rating platform ICOBench, his company was contacted via Telegram by people selling positive ICO reviews on said platform.

Alethena was reportedly contacted by two separate individuals who ended up selling the startup four positive ratings for around $1500 worth of ether (ETH) that resulted in it receiving an inflated ICO rating on the site. This deceptive practice went as far as allowing the startup to write its own review under the name of supposed blockchain 'expert'.  Funnily enough, the “expert opinion” written by Alethna contained the letters S-C-A-M at the beginning of each paragraph, which the startup purposely wrote to highlight these dubious backroom Telegram deals.

It needs to be noted that ICOBench compiles reviews of several individuals who claim blockchain expertise as opposed to offering an evaluation itself, which means this practice of paid-for ICO reviews may happen without the knowledge of the platform’s operators. Having said that, despite the publication of Alethena’s report, its paid-for ICO reviews remained visible on for some time. In a delicious irony, after the fake reviews were removed, one of the other experts who had previously rated the company's management team a '3' dropped that to a '1' saying he "originally ranked this as 3,3 and 3 , but reduced team to 1 as it has been proven they were paying for ratings."   

Of course, is it easy to argue that a startup that is raising funds through a token sale to build an ICO rating agency itself, is highlighting the flaws of its competitors only to position itself in a good light. Nonetheless, the report illustrates what many industry experts have been suggesting for a while, which is that ICO ratings are often not as independent as they claim.

Should you look at ICO ratings at all?

To answer the question: “Can You Trust ICO Ratings?” the answer is not a simple yes or no. There are ICO rating platforms that employ ex-Wall Street analysts who conduct in-depth research on token sales before sharing their verdict on the project. These ratings can be valuable indicators of a project’s viability and potential profitability and are definitely worth a look as part of an investor’s overall research into a project.

Then, there are platforms run by “online entrepreneurs” and Internet marketers who simply want to cash in on the ICO boom while they can. Their ICO ratings are de facto worthless as these platforms do not employ experienced analysts nor are they run by individuals who have the knowledge or skillset to evaluate startup projects. These are also the “rating agencies” that are more likely to encourage startups to buy a high ICO rating on their platforms. Needless to say, these “rating agencies” need to be avoided as they provide no added value to investors.

Of course, Issues with rating agencies are not a new phenomenon. For example, the 2011 Financial Crisis Inquiry Report stated that at the time of the global financial crisis, the world’s three leading credit rating agencies (Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch) were “essential cogs in the wheel of financial destruction” and were “key enablers of the financial meltdown.” And this was in a sector that, compared to the current ICO space, was thoroughly regulated.

The dominant business model for rating agencies at the time was ‘issuer-pays’. This means the organisation issuing the security was the one that paid for its rating review. With rating agencies competing against each other for clients, there was an incentive for securities to be rated highly to keep the clients happy and the business rolling in. The same issuer-pays model still exists today in the traditional financial sector, and it is also now the dominant model in the ICO rating business.

In light of the malpractice in the ICO rating space, it is more important than ever for investors to conduct their own research before investing in a new blockchain project. Relying solely on ICO ratings could lead investors to place funds into mediocre projects or even into ICO scams that simply paid for good ratings and reviews. Hence, the old cryptocurrency investing acronym “DYOR” (do your own research) cannot be repeated enough@BPI