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Reasons Why Bitcoin Markets Stay Optimistic

Bitcoin Market Staying Optimistic. On June 23, CNBC Fast Trader organized an event dedicated to presenting the "Bitcoin Cemetery," an ingenious introduction to BKCM founders and cryptocurrency investors, Brian Kelly's discussion of recent bitcoin correction and future price trends.

Three Reasons Why Bitcoin Is Not Dead

At CNBC Fast Trader, Kelly outlines the top three reasons bitcoin will recover in the medium term to previous support levels at more than $ 10,000:

• Negative sentiment from investors indicates that there will be the bottom

• Positive developments in the Japanese currency exchange market cryptocurrency

• The disbursement of MT Gox Bitcoin is delayed until 2019

Referring back to the basic rules of investment, Kelly notes that during periods where the market is very bullish and optimistic, it is better to sell and see the timely opportunities to get in and when the market is too pessimistic, it is wise to look for entry positions.

Given the negative sentiment towards the market of cryptocurrency by investors, Kelly explained that the major correction of the cryptocurrency market is likely to come out down in the near future, possibly in the next two to three months to start a mid-term rally in the fourth quarter of this year.

More importantly, Kelly stated that the Japanese government's move to tighten regulations, clean up cryptocurrency markets, and legitimize Japan's cryptocurrency sector is a long-term positive development, as it will prevent major hacking attacks such as Coincheck's security breaches and allow investors in the public market to gain confidence in local exchanges.

Kelly said:

"The Japanese market is ordered to improve business conditions by the government. That's actually a good thing. Short duration will be a little difficult because they stop new accounts from entering but they are actually cleaning the system. They make sure it's stronger. Make sure it's better for people. "

South Korea, the third largest cryptocurrency currency exchange market behind the US and Japan, has also begun preparing a cryptocurrency regulatory framework for managing cryptocurrency exchange as a bank, to prevent hacking and money laundering, while legitimizing cryptocurrency sectors to protect investors and setting broad industry standards for business.

No More The disbursement of MT Gox

Throughout 2018, several Mt. Sell-off sales of tens of thousands of bitcoins cause the market to crash, preventing BTC from gaining momentum over a certain period.

Kelly stressed that the delay of Mt. Gox bitcoin sell-off until early 2019 is an optimistic factor to consider, as the main factor for the potential sell-off market has been eliminated, at least in the medium term.

"Mt. Gox will undergo rehab and they will distribute the remaining $ 1 billion worth of bitcoin. But here's what's great about it, they will not distribute it until the 1st quarter of 2019. Everyone suddenly thinks that there will be a surge of sales. Not happening now, "Kelly explained.

Three factors outlined by Kelly can push the next mid-term BTC rally and positive developments in the Japanese and South Korean cryptocurrency currency market will allow the market to grow with the stability and confidence of investors, which will be of great value in the long term@BPI

Does Blockchain Have Competition?

Competition Blockchain Againts Hasgraph. Cryptocurrencies and blockchains are heralded by many as the most potentially impactful technological advancements since the internet. But what if the blockchain technology used to create all of these cryptocurrencies is just a stepping stone to something better?

That’s the claim made by Hashgraph, a distributed ledger technology with many of the same applications as blockchain. Hashgraph is secure, decentralized, cost-effective, and can process transactions faster—and more fairly—than any blockchain.

Considering that, maybe the articlesdeclaring Hashgraph to be the future of decentralized technology have some merit. Then again, they make some lofty claims, of which it’s hard not to be skeptical. Not to mention the fact that blockchain has nearly a decade-long headstart in both development and public acceptance. Even if Hashgraph is as good as advertised, competing with blockchain is still a monumental challenge.

With those points in mind, let’s take a deeper look at Hashgraph technology and go from there.

How Does Hashgraph Work?

The figure to the left is a hashgraph, the data structure alternative to blockchain.  

For simplicity, there are only 4 columns in this graphical representation. Each column represents a full node in the network, so you can imagine that there would be hundreds or even thousands of columns on an actual hashgraph.

Each circle represents an event, which is analogous to a block in the blockchain. In other words, events store data about transactions. Additionally, every event has the hashes of two recent events below it and is digitally signed by its creator. This enables Hashgraph to achieve cryptographic security in much the same way as a blockchain.

Every line connecting one event to another represents one node randomly syncing with another. When a node syncs to another node, it shares all of the events it knows that the second node doesn’t know yet. This syncing process is, fittingly, called gossip, and it continues forever as the hashgraph grows upwards.

The colored circles in the figure are special events called witnesses. It would take a while to explain how witnesses are differentiated from ordinary events. So, rather than do that, let’s just discuss what they do. Witnesses are the key events that carry out Virtual Voting as part of Hashgraph’s consensus algorithm.

The result of this Virtual Voting is that Hashgraph can reach consensus on the validity of transactions without costly Proof of Work (PoW) computation, and it can process hundreds of thousands of transactions per second. Ultimately, this is one of the biggest reasons that Hashgraph is a potential competitor for blockchain.

If you’d like to understand how Hashgraph works in greater depth, you can learn more by watching videos on the Hashgraph website or reading theirwhitepaper.

Comparing Hashgraph and Blockchain

Before diving into a comparison of Hashgraph and blockchain, it’s important to note that Hashgraph is not an open-source project. That means that the claims made about its abilities have not yet been independently verified. However, they are being independently reviewed now, and the Hashgraph team has stated that they are confident in the outcome.

One particular claim that raises eyebrows is that Hashgraph can process hundreds of thousands of transactions per second. One of the factors limiting processing speed is the state (i.e. storage) of the blockchain or hashgraph. As more transactions are carried out, nodes must store more information, decreasing processing speed. It will be interesting to see whether Hashgraph has a plan to sidestep this problem.

With that being said, Hashgraph is not attempting to get ordinary people to invest through an ICO, and doesn’t otherwise give the impression of having any ill intent. So, for the sake of this comparison, we will assume that its claims are valid, as there is no reason to believe that they are not.

Let’s start by looking at one of the most contentious issues in the blockchain space today…

Transaction Processing Speed

Bitcoin’s blockchain typically processes less than 10 transactions per second. That’s why Bitcoin’s viability as a currency for mass adoption has been under question, and why Bitcoin Cash was created. Second-layer solutions like theLightning Network may be able to improve scalability drastically, but their implementation is still a ways off.

Hashgraph, meanwhile, boasts that it can process hundreds of thousands of transactions per second, making it the significantly better option for micropayments and low-fee, fast transactions in general.


Another factor on which Hashgraph differs from blockchain is ‘fairness’. With blockchain, miners have the ability to choose the order in which transactions appear in the block that they mine. That means that miners can, in theory, manipulate the order in which they process transactions to somehow benefit themselves or harm a party that they dislike. Hashgraph simply doesn’t have this possibility, as they use Consensus Time Stamping to achieve fairness in the order that transactions are processed.

Mining and Sybil Attacks

Here’s where Hashgraph makes their big trade-off to achieve the outcomes discussed above. Hashgraph does not use Proof of Work (PoW), making it far less costly to process transactions relative tomining on the blockchain. However, this comes at the cost of security. Let me explain.

In peer-to-peer networks, one of the attacks that you might face is what’s known as a Sybil attack. This is where an adversary controls multiple nodes on a network by creating false identities, opening the possibility for an individual to gain control of a large percentage of the network.

Bitcoin is extremely Sybil resistant. This is because all miners in the Bitcoin network are trying to mine the next block and earn the block reward, so they are incentivized to use their full computational power. As a result, it’s impossible for an attacker to create more blocks on the blockchain by generating false identities and running more nodes, as they are still limited by their computation power. This is represented on the middle pie chart in the figure above, in which each new identity created by a dishonest node simply takes some of the computation power from an existing dishonest node without adding to the pie.

What happens when you don’t have block rewards incentivizing node operators to use all of their computing power? Quite simply, each node uses the minimum computing power needed to keep the network running. It’s possible, then, for an adversary to create multiple identities, run multiple nodes, and control a larger percentage of the network than the honest nodes. This is represented on the pie chart to the right in the figure above, in which each new dishonest node increases the percentage of the total computing power that’s controlled by dishonest nodes.

Hashgraph has not yet achieved the same level of Sybil resistance as Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. Ultimately, that is one of the most significant reasons that Hashgraph will struggle to gain the trust of cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

However, Hashgraph has addressed the concerns about Sybil attacks, which you can read about here. Being less Sybil resistant isn’t the end of the world by any means, and Hashgraph still has tons of very useful applications at a fraction of the cost of Bitcoin. It just doesn’t have quite the same degree of security in this particular respect.

The Hashgraph Team

Hashgraph was created by Leemon Baird. Baird earned his B.Sc. in Computer Science from the US Air Force Academy before moving on to earn his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. He is also the co-founder and CTO of Swirlds Inc, which builds software using the Hashgraph consensus algorithm.

Swirlds Inc’s other co-founder is Mance Harmon, who also has an impressive background in computer science and tech entrepreneurship.

For more information about Baird, Harmon, or Swirlds, check out the Swirldswebsite. You can also get involved with Hashgraph through their Meetup.

Competitors and Challenges

Currently, Hashgraph has not released any plans for an ICO. In fact, it’s not clear whether or not Hashgraph technology will ever be utilized by a decentralized cryptocurrency. For now, Hashgraph’s funding comes from private enterprise businesses who may utilize the technology for centralized applications.

However, there is some precedent for a non-blockchain-based cryptocurrency. That would be IOTA, whose ‘tangle’ closely resembles a Hashgraph.

One obvious improvement that Hashgraph has over IOTA is that nodes can bundle transactions together, whereas each ‘event’ in IOTA is a single transaction. Therefore, Hashgraph’s throughput can be faster, while the bandwidth and storage space necessary for a new node to join the network is smaller.

For now, IOTA has no reason to worry about losing a piece of their market to Hashgraph. We’ll be sure to update you in the event that Hashgraph releases news about a potential ICO in the future.

Last Thoughts

Hashgraph does indeed offer some improvements over blockchain technology.

However, when it comes to computers, you don’t get big points for 20% improvements. You need an order of magnitude improvement to really shake things up. Given that Hashgraph is more susceptible to Sybil attacks than blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, it may not be the answer for fast, secure, and decentralized micropayments.

Furthermore, part of the value of blockchain is that it is relatively easy to understand, which makes it a more likely candidate for mass adoption and extensibility. Hashgraph would struggle more in this respect, as the technology is quite complex and takes a lot of time to understand.

That being said, the centralized applications for Hashgraph range far and wide. For existing private institutions, it may make more sense to implement Hashgraph than a blockchain, given its superior efficiency.

Whether Hashgraph ever becomes relevant in the cryptocurrency space remains to be seen. As to whether it will make blockchain obsolete, as some have speculated, that answer is much clearer—blockchain is still king in the land of cryptocurrencies@BPI

Masjid di London Buka Layanan Infak dan Sedekah dengan Bitcoin

Infak dan Sedekah dengan Bitcoin. Anda mungkin mencari cara baru untuk memberi sedekah Ramadan? Masjid Shacklewell Lane di Dalston, London timur, menerima sumbangan dalam bentuk bitcoin dan mata uang kripto (cryptocurrencies) lain untuk memperluas basis pendonor dan mengurangi biaya penukaran mata uang, kata para pemimpin masjid tersebut.

"Untuk seorang pendonor yang punya rekening bitcoin atau ethereum, menukar mata uang kripto ke dalam, misalnya, pound atau dolar, bisa merepotkan. Masjid mengambil alih kerepotan penukaran mata uang tersebeut," kata Lukasz Musial, konsultan blockchain yang membantu masjid menyiapkan teknologi bitcoin.

"Untuk para pendonor, hanya butuh klik tombol transfer ke rekening yang disediakan oleh badan amal. Dari pandangan masjid, hal ini membuka aliran dana sumbangan baru dari seluruh dunia," tambah Musial mengomentari tentang bitcoin.

Masjid Shacklewell: Bitcoin Tetaplah Uang

Beberapa ulama, seperti Mufti Agung Mesir, mengatakan bahwa bitcoin tidak diizinkan menurut Hukum Islam.

Tapi, Abdalla Adeyemi, imam Masjid Shacklewell, membela keputusan untuk menjadikan bitcoin sebagai salah satu alternatif beramal dan bersedekah.

"(Karena) bitcoin sama layaknya dengan mata uang lain. Bitcoin…diterima oleh sekelompok orang. Kami sendiri tidak memperdagangkannya ... kami badan amal," kata Adeyemi.

Masjid Shacklewell mengatakan pihaknya adalah satu dari beberapa organisasi yang menerima mata uang kripto dari ratusan di London. Dan langkah tersebut membuahkan hasil.

Pihak masjid mengatakan pihaknya yakin jumlah donasi yang diterima akan berlipat ganda tahun ini menjadi lebih dari 10 ribu pound (setara US$ 13.300).@BPI

Will Vechain Values ​​(VEN) Continue Increasing Or Will Fall This Year?

Vechain (VEN) Price. After the famous and booming digital currency last year, the crypto market has now been flooded with multiple digital currencies. But some digital currency projects are more prominent than others, and VeChain is one of them. The VeChain project resumed in 2007, although its digital currency was launched a few years later.

Last year was friendly for the digital currency because it was able to secure the position of number 16 on the list of the world's top digital currencies. At the time of writing, the coin was ranked 17th with a market capitalization of $ 1.75 billion. In this article are some predictions of the price of digital currency.

What You Need to Know about VeChain (VEN)

VeChain is a unique project due to the fact that it offers a blockchain based solution to real-world industry problems. VeChain is made by DJ Qian and Sunny Lu, and mainly focuses on supply chain solutions when first started.

Over the past few years, it has evolved to offer services to many industries, including logistics, agriculture, retail, goods, and automotive. VeChain is currently working to provide a network similar to Ethereum where developers can build decentralized applications and smart contracts.

VeChain Price Predicted 2018

This prediction method depends entirely on the data and does not consider anything else. Based on the technical analysis of the coin, Wallet Investor has estimated that the digital currency value is expected to reach $ 12 in the next twelve months. also estimates that the coin will trade in the range of $ 8 to $ 11.8 by the end of this year.

Predicted Price According to Experts

Roger Ver is one of the strongest voices in the crypto industry, and he believes VeChain (VEN) has a bright future for trying to solve real-life problems and has many applications serving multiple industries@BPI

VeChain (VEN) traded here !!!

EOS (EOS) And Digibyte (DGB) Two Digital Currencies to Look For

Digital Currencies to Look For. While the digital currency market has experienced some reprieve in recent days and some have seen a slight recovery from lower depths, there are some coins that have not yet joined the recovery trend.

After some extensive research and scanning, both EOS and Digibyte appear to be on the radar, and it would be wise for traders and investors to pay attention to this coin action in the coming days.


According to the daily chart of EOS, it is currently trading below its 20-day and 50-day moving average, while resting on its 200-Day. In addition, EOS seems to be building up the possibility of Flag formation that traders and investors must be aware of in the coming days.

However, while it certainly is not damaged from a technical perspective, EOS will find itself in a vulnerable position if the patterns manifest to the downside. If the digital currency is able to bounce the 200-day moving average and, possibly, is able to bounce off the 11.65 level, the action will be positive and welcomed..

Digibyte (DBG)

According to daily Digibyte charts, it is clear that the digital currency is trading below all the vital moving averages - 20-Day, 50-Day, and 200-Day moving averages. Also, just like EOS, Digibyte also seems to be building up the possibility of Flag formation and also needs to be concerned with its development in the coming days.

If within the next few days Digibyte can remove 0.03 hurdles and maintain, those developments will be positive if realized. On the other hand, if the digital currency breaks the 0.023 level, the value of the coin is likely to fall further.

However, both digital currencies are in a vulnerable technical position today and they need to be closely monitored.@BPI

Transaction Fees with Ripple (XRP) 81% Cheaper than Bank?

Ripple (XRP) Tansaction Fee. When it comes to banking, consumers do not see how prestigious institutions are; they first analyze transaction costs before anything else. With the increasing penetration of blockchain technology into the banking sector, cost issues have become the center of attention and that's where Ripple (XRP) outclasses other players.

Banks have been used for decades as the only way to send money abroad and because of the lack of competition; consumers have experienced a myriad of hidden costs that make the whole process unreachable to the average customer. This cost will drop drastically thanks to Ripple's digital coin, XRP.

Transaction costs, speed, dependability, and traceability are just some of the traits that make BBVA passionate and this can mean a lot to XRP. It opened a new marker in the Spanish market where BBVA Compass Banking is a major player. Coins will rise in the bank's network to spread its wings beyond Spain to Latin America, Mexico, and larger European communities.

Popularity of Ripple (XRP) in the Market

Banks are known to inflate transaction costs to cover their operations and make incoming profits into stocks and shareholders. If you have used banking services and cryptos and fiat, you will realize that digital coins are a better deal. Ripple XRP leads. This platform has more benefits than your local bank.

Head of Digital Transformation at BBVA Investment Banking Unit, Alicia Pertusa said:

"Ripple costs are 81 percent lower than the correspondent banking networks used for decades to send global payments. But with Ripple, companies can track their payouts. "

What makes Ripple popular in crypto verse is its business model and how it tries to keep the transaction costs at a minimum. Unlike the current banking system where it is never possible to keep track of your funds, Ripple transparency and traceability are what modern consumers see that have led to shorter lines in the banking room and at ATMS.

Ripple has been at the forefront to bring onboard reputable financial institutions and help them make transboundary money transfers easy, safe, transparent, traceable and above all affordable. However, there are many refusals from elected governments that are not ready for disruptive technology.

Trial of Success By BBVA With Ripple (XRP)

BBVA, a respectable Spanish banking outfit has confirmed that their experiment with Ripple is very positive. A statement from the bank said:

"BBVA is interested in innovations in cross-border payments, especially given our tracks in Europe, Mexico, the US and Latam. BBVA is an active participant in several initiatives in cross-border payments (and other areas where blockchain is applicable) and in the context of undertaking projects with Ripple last year to collect learning on the efficacy of cross-border payments in various contexts using money instead of cryptocurrency. We have also conducted a series of tests with blockchain consortia R3, Hyperledger and Ethereum Enterprise Alliance to gain insight into the use of blockchain in the financial blockchain sector. "

The success of the experiment came after Fleetcor, MoneyGram and Western Union had integrated and deployed the xRapid software successfully. This has dramatically reduced the cost of international money transfers, reducing the time it takes from sender to recipient from 4 days to several minutes, if not seconds. The Ripple BBVA collaboration will benefit both parties and consumers@BPI

The New News for Stellar Prices (XLM) Now

Stellar (XLM) Prices Now. According to reports, Stellar (XLM), has entered into negotiations to acquire Chain: startup based San Francisco-based Blockchain that allows solutions to the financial sector. Chains are designed to enable smarter and more efficient connected economies by creating cryptographic ledgers that support innovative financial products and services. The deal could be worth 500 million USD (equivalent to 2.2 billion XLM Stellar tokens at current exchange rates).

What are the Achievements of Blockchain so far?

The famous chain to raise 43 million USD in venture capital funding from top investors include Khosla Ventures, Pantera Capital, Nasdaq, Visa, RRE Ventures, Blockchain Capital, Citi Ventures, Thrive Capital, Haystack, and BoxGroup. If the transaction succeeds, the Chain will receive a 500 million USD payment grouped in XLM Stellar coins and will be free to HODL or sell it on the crypto market.

Stellar (XLM) is known to have over 104 Billion XLM coins with only 18.6 billion token in circulation. Stellar Plan (XLM) to distribute the remaining tokens:

• 50 percent through the Direct Enrollment Initiative.

• 25 percent through Partnership Initiative.

• 20 percent through the Bitcoin Program.

• The Stellar Development Foundation holds 5 percent of operating costs.

How Stellar Stellar Acquisition Will Affect Stellar Token Prices (XLM)?

Chain Acquisitions will be made from 5 percent operating costs and 5 percent of XLM's 104 billion is 5.2 billion XLM. If the coin recipients decide to sell their token in the crypto market at the same time, the supply in circulation is likely to rise so that the XLM Stellar token price changes. This can be a huge blow for investors and other HODL XLM holders.

The second option is for the new XLM owner with the HODL option as Stellar seals are more friendly as is the case with IBM and Kik. As soon as Stellar (XLM) enters into more partnerships, we should expect more eyes and extra coins which in turn will increase the value of digital assets@BPI